Postdoc offer in Molecular Spin Qudits
The Quantum Materials and Devices group at INMA (CSIC-University of Zaragoza) offers a two-year contract for a postdoctoral researcher working on the control and readout of molecular spin qudits by means of superconducting circuits, and on its application to implement a qudit based quantum error correction algorithm. The candidate should be a physicist or electronic engineer. A background on low temperature experimental Physics and experience with superconducting quantum circuits and/or spin resonance techniques is desirable.

The researcher will contribute to the development and benchmarking of a hybrid quantum processor unit based on a novel and interdisciplinary approach, within the framework of a Digital Transition project recently awarded by the Spanish AEI. It also benefits from a broad network of international collaborations supported by FET-Open EU project FATMOLS and by a private project funded by the Danish Novo Nordisk Fonden.
Interested candidates must contact and send a short CV to Fernando Luis: fluis@unizar.es
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